It’s a New Beginning


Just under a week ago I posted I will begin posting regularly. My motivation to share online is due in part, to my continued personal conviction and also the kind words of encouragement from NJE, a close friend, to share my stories.

I have put off posting on my blog, as a regularly scheduled endeavor, until I felt I had all the pieces I needed, now firmly in place.

This is not a complete list but to provide a window in my world, I now have my new awesome MacBook Pro laptop, a new 4 TB external drive with a crazy fast transfer rate required for transferring videos directly from my drone, I’ve been refreshing my use of Adobe software, I.e. Photoshop, Lightroom, and Premier, and having my local and cloud data storage infrastructure, my recording format I.e. Apple ProRes for all my visual story formats regardless if in text, photos, and videos.


My primary consideration in my writings is to include in each message or story, some spiritual underlying quality or feel, but not in a judging or condescending way.


My personal goal is for my “Legacy writings” or stories, to be an encouraging message to my family, friends and the public, with a loving kindness, one which will be remembered and retold or visited many years after I am gone.


Father God, I’m sitting at my desk, lift my hands and heart to you this day, my thoughts and prayers for your Holy Spirit to guide me in each message posted, so as to be a blessing, with a clarity of conscience. I pray each day be a strong foundation on which I plan to build on for each consecutive post. My life is in your hands Lord. I pray you mold me and make me to be an instrument you may use to shine your light and love, in Jesus’ name Amen!